If you are an advertising salesperson, don’t bother calling us!


We are NOT buying! We refuse to spend a single dollar on Google words, social media, newspapers or TV etc!! Once upon a time we did. A lot. But then we became increasingly concerned about the hardship that many Kiwi families are facing and asked ourselves: “What can we do to help?”

That’s when the lights went on! We thought: “Why spend money on advertising when we could simply use our advertising budget to buy groceries and donate them to the Auckland City Mission Foodbank instead?”

So that’s what we do. We pay for tons of fresh produce and staples like rice and pasta, every year. Auckland City Mission distributes the food to those who need it.

At MediCare, our mission is to make sure that your health problems don’t become financial problems. We do this by paying for you to get medical help fast if you get sick and making sure that you still have an income if you are too sick to work.

If you would like a FREE INFO PACK on what we can do for you, your enquiry WILL result in us purchasing $20 worth of groceries to supply to the Auckland City Mission.

All that we ask of you is that you invest 20 minutes of your time so that we can have a chat, find out what is important to you, and then research and provide you with an info pack about benefits that are tailor made to work for you. That’s 20 minutes of your time for $20 ($1 per minute) to help out someone that really needs it and to find out what you can do to help yourself if you get sick! No obligation, no pressure, just humanity and good sense.

So, tell us how we can help you.